8th Symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk | 28-30 May 2025

The 8th Symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk(GDRR) will be hosted by Bocconi University (Milan) from May 28th to 30th, 2025 .

GDRR will be preceded by the 14th Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Processes workshop.

The objective of the workshop is to present novel uses of game and decision theory in reliability and risk analysis. 
It aims to bring together researchers from diverse disciplines such as economics, engineering, finance, mathematics, medical sciences, probability, and statistics who are working on and contributing to this theme.

The symposium will have invited and contributed talks as well as a poster session.

Scientific Committee:

  • David Banks (Duke University, US);
  • Emanuele Borgonovo (Bocconi University, IT);
  • Beatrice Franzolini  (Bocconi University, IT);
  • Antonio Pievatolo (CNR-IMATI, IT);
  • David Rios Insua (ICMAT-CSIC, EN);
  • Fabrizio Ruggeri  (CNR-IMATI, IT);
  • Refik Soyer | Chair (George Washington University, US);
  • Simon Wilson (Trinity College, IE).

Local Organizing committee: 

  • Emanuele Borgonovo (Bocconi University, IT);
  • Beatrice Franzolini  (Bocconi University, IT);
  • Sonia Petrone (Bocconi University, IT);
  • Refik Soyer  (George Washington University, US).

Previous workshop on GDRR took place in:

Abstract Submission Closing: March 7, 2025

Notification of acceptance: March 18, 2025

Early registration deadline: April 28, 2025

Please click here to submit your abstract.

Selected contributions will be invited to contribute to a Special Issue in Reliability Engineering & System Safety. Information coming soon.

In the university area, numerous accommodation options are available. Below, you'll find some choices within walking distance from the university:

We recommend contacting the hotels directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information on availability and bookings.