Geometric Analysis & PDEs Christmas Workshop

Seminars - Analysis and Applied Mathematics Seminar
Costante Bellettini, University College London
Elena Giorgi, Columbia University
Alberto Roncoroni, Politecnico di Milano
Luca Spolaor, UCSD
9:30am - 4:30pm
Room 3.B3.SR01, 3rd floor via Röntgen 1


Costante Bellettini - University College London

Title: PDE analysis on stable minimal hypersurfaces: curvature estimates and sheeting
Abstract: We consider properly immersed two-sided stable minimal hypersurfaces of dimension n. We illustrate the validity of curvature estimates for n \leq 6 (and associated Bernstein-type properties with an extrinsic area growth assumption). For n \geq 7 we illustrate sheeting results around "flat points". The proof relies on PDE analysis. The results extend respectively the analogous Schoen-Simon-Yau estimates (obtained for n \leq 5) and the Schoen-Simon sheeting theorem (valid for embeddings).

Elena Giorgi - Columbia University

Title: The nonlinear stability of black holes: an overview
Abstract: Black holes are the most striking predictions of General Relativity and are by now understood to be fundamental objects in our universe. In this talk, I will provide an overview of their mathematical properties, in particular concerning their stability as solutions to the Einstein equation, and give a bird’s-eye view of the recent proof of the nonlinear stability of the slowly rotating Kerr black holes (joint with Klainerman-Szeftel). 

Alberto Roncoroni - Politecnico di Milano

Title: On the stable Bernstein problem
Abstract: Click HERE

Luca Spolaor - UCSD

Title: On the boundary branching set of the one-phase problem
Abstract: I will discuss the boundary regularity for minimizers of the so-called Alt-Caffarelli problem and how it is related to a boundary unique continuation problem. This is joint work with L. Ferreri (SNS) and Bozhidar Velichkov (Pisa).

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