Michele Coti Zelati: Orientation mixing in active suspensions

Seminars - Analysis and Applied Mathematics Seminar
MICHELE COTI ZELATI, Imperial College London
12:30 - 13:45
room 3-E4-SR03 (Rontgen)


We study a popular kinetic model introduced by Saintillan and Shelley for the dynamics of suspensions of active elongated particles. We focus on the linear analysis of incoherence, that is on the linearized equation around the uniform distribution, in the regime of parameters corresponding to spectral (neutral) stability. We show that in the absence of rotational diffusion, the suspension experiences a mixing phenomenon similar to Landau damping. We show that this phenomenon persists for small rotational diffusion, and is combined with an enhanced dissipation at time scale at a faster time scale than the diffusive one.


For further information please contact elisur.magrini@unibocconi.it