Daniele Durante

I am an Associate Professor of Statistics in the Department of Decision Sciences at Bocconi University. Prior to joining Bocconi, I was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Padova, where I obtained a Ph.D. [2016] and an M.Sc. [2012] in Statistics. During my Ph.D., I have been also a Visiting Research Scholar [2014-2015] at Duke University [USA]. I am Associate Editor for Biometrika, the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics and the Journal of Multivariate Analysis.
For my research I have received several national and international research awards, including, among others, the COPSS Emerging Leader Award, the Leonardo da Vinci Medal, the Mitchell Prize (twice) and the Laplace Prize. Currently, I am also the PI of the ERC Starting Grant "sociogeNEsis of criMinal nEtworks: reconStruction, dIscovery and diSruption" [NEMESIS, 2024–2029].
See my personal webpage https://danieledurante.github.io/web/ for more information about my research interests, CV and publications.