Omiros Papaspiliopoulos

I joined Bocconi as a Full Professor in 2021. Previous to that, I was ICREA Research Professor based at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. I have held other positions at Warwick, Oxford and Lancaster, and have also worked in Berlin, Osaka, Paris, Madrid and Lima. In 2010 I was awarded the Royal Statistical Society's Guy Medal. I have been an Onassis Foundation scholar and I received the DeGroot prize for my book with Nicolas Chopin. This is my Google Scholar page
In 2013 I founded the first Master in Data Science in Europe at Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, and in 2016 the Data Science Center, which operated at the intersection of scientific research and consulting, both of which I directed until 2021. In 2022 I became Director of the Bocconi Bachelor of Sciences in Economics, Management and Computer Science (BEMACS).
I have extensive experience at designing, directing and delivering executive courses and have worked with SDA Bocconi School of Management and Barcelona School of Economics.
I am involved in various outreach activities for the role of data and data sciences in the society and have made presentations to diverse audiences that range from high-school students to senior managers in the public administration to the European Commission.
Current editorial activities:
- co-Editor of Biometrika (this is a top-4 journal in Statistics)
- Associate Editor of Journal of Uncertainty Quantification (this is a joint publication by the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics and the American Statistical Association in the intersection of Applied Mathematics and Statistics/Machine Learning)
In the past I have served as Associate Editor in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society series B (another top-4 journal in Statistics), Biometrika and Statistics and Computing.
Recent Presentations:
- Chicago Booth (2023)
- Duke (2023)
- Leuven (2023)
- Kaust Workshop in Statistics (2023)
- Plenary Talk ISBA (2024)
- Columbia (2024)
See CV and Google Scholar for details
How to find me:
- Office: Roentgen building, 3rd floor 3.d201 (behind elevetors)
- Email:
Please see attached CV for details
My research is primarily in computational Statistics, but spans the intersection of Statistics, Machine Learning, Probability and Applied Mathematics. I am very interested in the intersection of Data and Social Sciences.
Here is a link to my latest book: