Eugenio Melilli

Degree  in Mathematics (cum laude), Università degli studi di Milano, 1990.

Fellowship at I.A.M.I. (Istituto per le applicazioni della Matematica e dell’Informatica), C.N.R., Milano, 1991.

Assistant Professor (Ricercatore) in Statistics at I.M.Q., Università Luigi Bocconi, Milano, 1996-2005. Associate Professor of Statistics at Department of Decision Sciences, Università L. Bocconi, Milano, 2006-present. Teaching activity in Applied Statistics at Lobachevsky State University in Nizhny Novgorod (Ru), 2000-2003. Teaching activity in Statistical Theory II for the students of the PhD in Statistics and Computer Science, Bocconi University, 2003-2021.

Associate Professor
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Research interests

Bayesian statistics: exchangeability and partial exchangeability, prior distributions for nonparametric models, functionals of the Dirichel process, inference on Fréchet and Lancaster classes

Population forecasting: stochastic population forecasting, forecasts based on conditional expert opinions

Confidence distributions: finite and large sample properties of confidence distributions, application to Rasch model, use of confidence distributions in hypothesis testing

Selected Publications
Melilli, E. and Veronese, P.

Confidence distributions and hypothesis testing.

Statistical Papers

Undergraduate School:

Statistics (for the students of CLEACC)

Graduate School:

Data Analysis (for the students of AFC)

PhD School:

Statistical Theory II (for the students of the PhD in Statistics and Computer Science)