Francesca Beccacece

Beccacece Francesca

I was born in February 11th, 1963.

I got my Degree in Economics from Università of Parma. 

Actually, I am an Associate Professor of Financial Mathematics at Bocconi University, Milan.

Director of the  Bachelor  of  Science  in  Economics  and  Management  for  Arts,  Culture  and  Communication (2016-2019).

Director of Master in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management (2008-2010; 2012-2014).


Associate Professor
Download the cv (38.68 KB)
Research interests

My main research interests are: Quantitative Finance: financial markets models; asset pricing; term structure models, Decision theory and decision making in Finance: benchmarking models, Risk theory: models and applications for default risk.

Selected Publications
  • Undergraduate courses: Mathematics, Financial Mathematics, Advanced Financial Mathematics.
  • Graduate courses: Quantitative Methods for Management, Financial Models for Valuation.
  • Master courses: Fixed Income, Asset Pricing.