Jacopo Giuseppe De Tullio

I graduated in Mathematics at the University of Milan in 2008 and I then obtained a specialization in teaching. Since 2010 I have participated in the research and dissemination activities of the PRISTEM Center of which I am deputy director. From 2011 to 2019 I was postdoctoral fellow and research fellow at the University of Insubria, where I held courses in mathematics for economics. I collaborated with the didactics of the Polytechnic of Milan and of the LIUC of Castellanza. Since 2013 I have participated in the teaching activities of Bocconi University in general and applied mathematics courses and since 2020 I have been a lecturer in Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Mathematical Statistics.
History of mathematics and history of science with reference to Italian personalities and scientific institutions from the Unification to the first half of the twentieth century with particular attention to the role that mathematics and mathematicians had in the technological and social development, as well as strictly formal, of the country . Furthermore the study of communication and the informal learning of mathematics, with their placement within the most recent teaching methodologies.
Lecturer of general, applied and advanced mathematics in the bachelor and master degree courses in Economics. Tutor for the course of Mathematical Analysis 1 of the bachelor degree course in Artificial Intelligence.