Raffaella Piccarreta

I am an Associate Professor of Statistics at Bocconi University, Milan. I hold a PhD in Statistics from the University of Trento.
I am a fellow of Dondena (Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy), of BIDSA (Bocconi Institute for Data Science and Analytics) and of the CovidCrisis Lab (Laboratory for Coronavirus Crisis Research).
I am member of the SAA (Sequence Analysis Association), and one of the members of the Executive Committee of SAA.
My work focuses on data analysis. Most of my research relates to the study of life course trajectories and events. I have a specific interest for Sequence Analysis, a technique aimed at identifying patterns in categorical longitudinal data, as well as for all the approaches to deal with this type of data.
Being very keen to cooperation, I coauthored a number of paper focused on different data. In particular, in 2020/2021 I worked on data on COVID-19.
I love coding, and on my Github page (https://github.com/raffaellapiccarreta) I upload some codes (not too many because I am very slow) related to my research and to my teaching activity. In particular, at the moment you find there the beta version of the package UBStats that I developed (together with Sergio Venturini) to simplify the application of basic stats using R/RStudio...
Clustering longitudinal life-course sequences using mixtures of exponential-distance models
JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY. SERIES A. STATISTICS IN SOCIETY, 2021Households’ changing structure and consumption: the effect of the economic crisis during the period 2008-2013
RIVISTA DI STATISTICA UFFICIALE, 2018A Bayesian approach for model-based clustering of several binary dissimilarity matrices: the dmbc package in R
JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL SOFTWARE, 2021Holistic analysis of the life course: methodological challenges and new perspectives
ADVANCES IN LIFE COURSE RESEARCH, 2019Identifying and qualifying deviant cases in clusters of sequences: the why and the how
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POPULATION, 2024For many years I taught Statistics in undergraduate programs. I also taught courses on coding, computational statistics, time series analysis, and sample design.
I have been teaching the course on Data Analytics and Visualisation at EMIT MSc and before at CLEMIT since the beginning. I also teach one Phd course on Applied Data Analysis.
Since the a.y. 2022/2023 I am the responsible of the course on Statistics (Undergraduate school, CLEAM, CLEF, BIEM, BIEF)