Sandra Fortini

Sandra Fortini is Associate Professor of Statistics in the Department of Decision Sciences, at Bocconi University.
He has previously been Research fellow (1990-1994) and Researcher (1994-1995) at the Institute for the Applications of Mathematics and Informatics of the National Council of Research, and then Assistant Professor (1995-2007) at Bocconi University.
He is Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics Statistics and of the International Society of Bayesian Analysis, of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS), and of the Italian Mathematical Society (UMI).
Sandra Fortini has graduated in Mathematics at Milano University in 1989, and has gained a Master of Science in Applied Stochastic Systems in 1993 at University College of London.
Asymptotic properties of Bayesian and Maching Learning procedures. Predictive inference. Bayesian Nonparametric models.